New Sermon Series - Reboot: Why Are We Here?
This new Sermon Series begin this Sunday, 9/4, and will continue through Sunday, 10/2. The series has been developed in connection with our church "reboot" or revitalization plan and to help us reconnect with God's will for our lives. The series will coordinate with the book "The Hole In Our Gospel" by Richard Stearns. Our Sunday School Classes and new Small Groups will be studying this book during the Sermon Series. For more information, please see the Small Groups article. The series starts off this Sunday with "What's The Gospel" coordinating with "Part One: The Hole in My Gospel". We will get down to the very definition of the gospel. What is this good news we're supposed to believe in? Whereas the American church has emphasized each person's individual relationship with Christ, that's not what Jesus said he came for. Jesus stated his purpose in his first sermon in Galilee: "to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind..." In other words, for the gospel to be good news, it has to be good news to the poor. Some will hold up John 3:16 as an example of the necessity of one's personal belief in Jesus as Savior. They forget to read the next few verses that go on to describe how it is apparent what one truly believes by observing their actions.