Dear Davis family and friends,
As we know you're aware of the increasing severity of the coronavirus COVID 19 situation, I wanted you to know that we are paying close attention to the news as well. Our priority is to keep Davis a safe environment for all.
This is a rapidly changing situation and is unknown territory for most of us. We've been fortunate not to have experienced anything like this before. Therefore we're depending on reliable and trustworthy information sources such as the CDC (Center for Disease Control), the WHO (World Health Organization), and Tarrant County Public Health).
We don't want to panic as fear is not how God calls us to live (Romans 8), but we want to take appropriate precautions to keep our congregation and community safe. Therefore, we are going to make some adjustments to our regular worship. First, we will use individual, single-use cups to serve Communion juice and our servers will take additional measures to ensure clean hands for distributing bread. Second, we encourage everyone to take appropriate precautions to safeguard your own health and the health of others. If you are feeling sick, please stay home except to get healthcare. Take note that those at increased risk are those over 60 years old and those with underlying health conditions. If you are concerned about attending worship in person, we are now livestreaming our worship service on Facebook. Find "Davis Memorial United Methodist Church" on Facebook to watch from home.
We also encourage everyone to follow these basic recommendations for keeping well and preventing the spread of illness: Cover coughs and sneezes with tissues (then throw them away) and/or cough/sneeze into your elbow. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and use hand sanitizer. If you are sick or taking care of someone who is sick, wear a facemask to protect others. (You do not need to wear a mask if you're not sick.) And while ensuring you have enough groceries and supplies for yourself and your family is prudent, we as Christians don't want to put others in need by unnecessarily stockpiling these items.
We will continue to monitor the situation and use prayerful discernment to keep Davis a safe refuge for all who seek to follow Christ. Remember, God is always with us! We are never alone!
Peace in Christ,
Rev. Kaiya Kershaw